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Marcin Gajewski

Status Adwokat czynny zawodowo
Miejsce wykonywania zawodu Kancelaria Adwokacka- adw. Marcin Gajewski

ul. Czysta 2 lok. 4c
50-013 Wrocław
tel. 071-787-36-20, 0515-044-455

Nr legitymacji WRO-0560
Data wpisu 2008-01-17
E-mail kancelaria@gajewski.on
Strona WWW
Preferowana praktyka
  • prawo cywilne i postępowanie cywilne
  • prawo gospodarcze i handlowe
  • prawo karne i postępowanie karne
  • prawo leśne
  • prawo nieuczciwej konkurencji
Izba adwokacka Izba Adwokacka we Wrocławiu

ul. Sądowa 4
50-046 Wrocław
tel. 71 347 13 01
fax 71 343 67 28

In chess or any other sports: Is there a wtiertn or unwritten rule that teams have to be announced beforehand, let alone that they have to be approved by the other team?Anand and Kramnik talked over the phone, using Skype. Among (possibly) other things they talked about chess. The only solution would be to deprive him, but then indeed also Topalov of phone and Internet connections to the outside world during the match!?Finally, huge government support for Topalov putting a supercomputer at his disposal also wasn't announced beforehand and seems at least as unethical. Regardless of my opinion about the players, I am pleased that the human cluster prevailed in the end.
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