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dr hab. Janusz dr Raglewski

Status Adwokat czynny zawodowo
Miejsce wykonywania zawodu Kancelaria indywidualna

ul. Siemiradzkiego 21 lok. 1
31-137 Kraków
tel. 12 422 50 62, 790 700 697
fax 12 422 50 62

Nr legitymacji 2375
Data wpisu 2010-02-26
Strona WWW
Preferowana praktyka
  • błąd w sztuce lekarskiej
  • prawo karne i postępowanie karne
  • prawo karne-skarbowe
  • przestępczość białych kołnierzyków
  • wypadki komunikacyjne
Izba adwokacka Izba Adwokacka w Krakowie

ul. Batorego 17
31-135 Kraków
tel. 12 633 07 10
fax 12 633 57 63

Haha I was thinking the same thing. I had a small group of fnireds over a few weeks ago. All of them originally from Israebl but some moved to Germany & the UK. Anyway, some of them were in the NL for the first time so they wanted to try the regional delicacies/candy. Apart from the classics mentioned in other articles on this site (like drop) we tried poffertjes, herring and I made them stamppot as well (even though it was midsummer).The dubbelvla we had as dessert somehow made a huge impression on them, we actualy had to watch a small documentary on how they made the stuff afterwards As a 110% Dutchman I have to agree to loving dairy as well, couple of liters of milk per week, 2 cartons of yoghurt and the occasional vla. So far fresh milk (pasturised) has been the only thing I've missed when living abroad/traveling. I even had my fnireds bring me a bruine boterham met kaas & melk (whole wheat sandwich with cheese & milk) when they picked me up at Schiphol after a 5 month trip through South East Asia. Even though Thailand has the best cuisine I've ever tried it became quite difficult to go without simple things as wholeweat bread & fresh milk.
I can't bevliee I've been going for years without knowing that.
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